According to World Health Organization, many people with mental health concerns refrain from seeking treatment because of the stigma associated with it. The fact is that families from all walks of life are affected by mental health concerns, regardless of age, race, income, religion or education. Stigma is a barrier to awareness, prevention, diagnosis & care.
Most people know this intuitively but don’t want to accept or admit to their families, friends, or coworkers that they are having problems with something. Without help the consequences for the individual and society are staggering and result in unnecessary disability, unemployment, substance abuse, homelessness, inappropriate incarceration, suicide and wasted personal potential.
Addressing mental health issues may require you overcoming your reluctance to talk to others about a mental health concern. Treatment may include talking to a trained mental-health professional who can help understand strengths and challenges, resolve practical problems, and support healing.
Your mental health has a direct and measurable impact on your physical health and overall well-being.Knowing and learning more about yourself is the best investment you can make today. If knowledge is power, self-knowledge is the ultimate power.