We have difficult experiences on a regular basis and most people are able to deal with them in a healthy way. The problem occurs when we are overloaded to such an extent that our systems are traumatized. This has historically been a significant problem but now there are many good therapy processes that help to process the trauma so it no longer hinders your life.
A trauma specialist Bessel van der Kolk shares his video (6.5 minutes)
About Admin-Blog-SJT
Paul is a Family Counsellor, Psychotherapist and Reiki Master with a Masters Degree in Counselling Psychology who has been working with clients in Peterborough Ontario and surrounding area since the late 1990s. Over the years he has been involved in family & individual counselling and has received training in diverse and esoteric practices such as Hypnosis, Shamanic Journeying, Remote Viewing, Reiki, Philosophy, Integral Theory, and Spirituality, to name a few.