Suicide affects every community (some more than others) and it leaves in its wake a tsunami of mixed emotions, pain, and grief. Some age groups are more susceptible, some demographics are more susceptible, and the unfortunate truth is that some people continue to take their own lives in a variety of ways.
“In Canada, approximately 6000 suicides take place annually, slightly below deaths due to cancers of the colon and breast. Suicide is the seventh-most common cause of death among Canadian males and tenth-highest among both sexes combined.” (Ontario Association for Suicide Prevention)
Some Helpful Links
Distress Centres –
– go to services and then member organizations to find the closest Distress Centre to you
Canadian Mental Health –
– go to Find your CMHA
Call 211 or
LGBTQ Youth Line 1-800-268-9688
Kids Help Phone – or phone 1-800-668-6860
Connex – 1-866-531-2600