Letters from Generation Rx (2017)

Last night I spent $2.49 CAD

After doing some noodling around on Gabor Mate’s web site I found a reference to a new documentary.  Letters from Generation Rx (2017), 1h 30 min, 18 July 2017 (USA), “This powerful film explores the science behind antidepressants, their effects on the brain and the horrific experiences endured by patients and their loved ones.”

I highly recommend this documentary! I believe it is important to make the best choices we can in difficult situations and the way to do that is by becoming informed, a fully informed choice is the best starting point.

About Admin-Blog-SJT

Paul is a Family Counsellor, Psychotherapist and Reiki Master with a Masters Degree in Counselling Psychology who has been working with clients in Peterborough Ontario and surrounding area since the late 1990s. Over the years he has been involved in family & individual counselling and has received training in diverse and esoteric practices such as Hypnosis, Shamanic Journeying, Remote Viewing, Reiki, Philosophy, Integral Theory, and Spirituality, to name a few.
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