Paul Fox B.Sc., MA, RP, SEPOlives

Registered Psychotherapist
Somatic Experiencing Practitioner
Peterborough, Ontario

Winter 2025 UPDATE

I will not be taking new clients until March 2025 please check the colleague page for more therapist options

I am seeing existing clients through In-Person and Video sessions. Please be sure to select the correct option when booking your next session.

Thank You



To connect with other local Psychotherapists
... see my colleagues page for more options
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Peterborough Crisis Lines - click here!


Information for Psychotherapists


Info for Students and others

Professional Practice Standards

Controlled Act FAQ: Fulfilling CRPO Requirements (Supervision, Registration)




Welcome, below you will find a list of products I use in my daily Psychotherapy practice. Some I use all day long (Goodnotes, encryption software etc. ) and some only on occasion (Audiobooks). In any event, people (clients and colleagues) often ask how I do "this or that" in a private practice so I thought I would try to consolidate the information in an attempt to be a bit more efficient in my time.


Information Security

Keeping personal health information for our clients confidential is critical to maintaining The Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA) standards. You can learn more here Your Health Privacy Rights in Ontario. Naturally, as a member of the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario we have to adhere to many guiding principles to maintain the highest standards of client care.

I have been using a few products that help me in a variety of ways over the years. Sometimes it is a way to ensure security, at times it is ease of use, and at times it is an attempt to streamline a one person practice. I offer these ideas because I either use them now have used them and found them helpful in my practice.

An overarching concern for all Psychotherapists is information security, confidentiality, and file backup.

Encrypted Online Storage

There are many online storage solutions such as IDrive, SugarSync, Dropbox, Microsoft OneDrive, and Google Drive ... to name a few. The one I have been using is Sync. It is super easy to use and it is Canadian and meets the PHIPA standards. Sync encrypts the files from the source and that means they are secure as they are transmitted over the internet to your cloud storage (Sync). This is one of the simplest implementations of secure, encrypted file storage that I have found. - Secure cloud storage - private cloud



You are invited to try Proton Mail
Secure email based in Switzerland

Best encrypted security email - Proton Mail
click here for a free account


Taking Notes

Since making the move from paper and pen I have experimented with a variety of different electronic products on my iPad. Each one has its own benefits but they generally all do the same kind of thing. You can write on the tablet, store the notes digitally, convert to text, print, search your notes. When I converted from paper and pen to electroninc notes I printed the electronic notes and kept them in the client files for approximately six months (just in case). Once I became comfortable with the dependability of the product I move entirely to digital notes using GoodNotes 4 .. now GoodNotes 5

GoodNotes 4 ...

Notability ...

Nebo ...



Credit Card Payments

It is important in to streamline your process as much as possible so I have included the small Squareup credit card reader to my office. It is easy to use and gives clients the option to pay with most major credit cards. Yes, there is a small fee for the service but the process it simple and easy to track. A client pays with their credit card and you get instant notification followed by a direct deposit into your account later that day or the next. It may not be best for all office settings but for me it adds a level of convenience for the client that helps to make the payment process flow more easily.

Squareup Credit Card Reader .... read more here



turn your audio files, recordings, videos ... into text (transcripts)

On occasion I have used transcription services but care must be taken to ensure confidentiality and security. Each service offers a mix of automated transcription (machine only interactions), this is normally a cheaper option or human transcription services, generally a more expensive option. All services I have used tend to get back to you relatively quickly and are well worth the money when they are really needed.



Other Strange Stuff

Spell and Grammar Checking


Music Support for work concentration

Specialize in specially curated- and produced music tracks designed exclusively to improve your focus on the work in front of you. We're not an entertainment site. Instead, our proprietary music channels work with your particular brain type to increase your efficacy, your sense of mastery, and your overall happiness, whether you're a programmer, an artist, an office worker: Whatever your "work," our music will help you do it better.

Focus @will for music to help with adhd focuss atttention and more ....

Purchase through this link


Hemi-Sync has been used for many purposes, including relaxation and sleep induction, learning and memory aids, helping those with physical and mental difficulties, and reaching altered states of consciousness through the use of sound. The technique involves using sound waves to entrain brain waves.

Experienced Enhanced Well-Being

Reduce Stress Naturally with Sound Technology

What is Hemi-Sync youtube video 2.5 minutes.


Audio Books

Keep up to date with a busy life style by "reading" on the go!! They have a large Psychology section and Social Science section ... sometimes it is easier to just listen and move through the information quickly and easily .... at least it helps me in a busy life and practice.

AudiobooksNow - Digital Audiobooks for Less

Audio books Now ...



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College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario - Web Site

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 Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST)